Friday, March 13, 2009


So today my dear sweet cousin Daniel married to the most adorable girl! It has been a very fun day! In a few days i will post pictures from this exciting event, but right now i want to write about what happened after the wedding reception.

I followed Brady and my dad back to Springville (where Brady lives). I was able to get Hyrum ready for bed and read him a few books. My dad went to Del Taco for a late night snack.

When the boys were in bed and my dad returned we sat around the table eating tacos and burritos. We were discussing the most mundane things. Whether Del Taco was better than Taco Bell.. how many kids should Brady and Wendy have..what we should do tomorrow. It was such normal everyday thing and i loved every moment of it!

I sat back and listen to Brady try to prove some random point to Wendy as my dad asked if my mom was hungry. I was overwhelmed with such gratitude for this day! All of it, the chance i had to be in the temple and witness the sacredness of an eternal marriage. I talked and more importantly laughed with my cousins that i haven't seen in month, and as the day ended i was sitting around the table laughing with members of my family! What a great day.

There are times(several) in my life where i have complained, where i wondered what my purpose is, what is the point of this trial and that opposition, is it really worth it? Tonight those questions were answered, those complaints defeated. Today, is what it is all about, today, it was worth it! The heartache, the strife, the everyday battles we constantly fight are worth every second, every tear because at the end of the day, we are together, we are ALL family and that is what we are striving for.

So.. today.. today I'm grateful!


Lemme said...

i might cry!! i miss your family!! i miss eating way too many mashed potatoes and getting my butt kicked at every card game...i miss being towed behind the 4 wheeler, swimming with the kiddies and all the birthdays!!!

ps...taco bell kicks del taco @$$

Stephani Polson said...

What a wonderful post Amber!

Cindy said...

You are so right Am!I'm glad you got to got to the temple with your family, it really puts perspective in your life! I also agree that Karissa that Taco Bell kicks Del Taco's @$$!

G'ma Nasus said...

You are a beautiful, thoughtful, appreciative (& funny!) person. This post gives us all cause for pause . . . . to appreciate all that we have and re-focus our perspective on what is 'really' important. I'm glad to have you as part of my "x-tended" family. You're sweet :)

P.S.: Taco Bell RULES

bec said...

what a beautiful post! thank you for sharing. I needed the boost.

Crystal said...

I'm so glad that you had a good weekend. I was thinking about you lots and hoping you were having a good time. Don't you just love those simple super satisfying moments?