Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Glenn Freakin Beck

On Saturday, i was planning on going to Firth to kick it with the kids and go swimming. I knew Jana wasn't there so i text messaged Klarice,
" Hey are you going to moms so the kids can swim?" Klarice sent back to me, " I just dropped the kids off at mom's but I'm at this Glenn Beck thing. Brian is doing security for it."


Klarice responded: "I just found out that he was coming last night, tickets were $60.

In tears i sent back to her, "Oh if you get to meet him, get his autograph for me. Tell him that i love it when he swears on show. Tell me that he's so funny and i love him."

Klarice very kindly called me a dork and said she'd do what she could. Less than 5 minutes later she called me, "How quickly can you be here?" I screamed into the phone "10 minutes, give me 10 minutes."

10 minutes later i was in the Civic auditorium waiting for Glenn Beck. Gosh he's so funny! He even said a few things that got the wheels in my head turning!

So afterwards Klarice and Brian were my ride home, so I'm just sitting there chilling with all the officer that were there. I was standing against the stage talking to Klarice when lo and behold Glenn Freaking Beck came walking down the stairs from backstage. I smiled like a fat kid on her birthday. He looked at me and smiled back and touched my hand and said Hi. I text messaged everyone i could and told them Glenn Freakin' Beck just said hi to me! He then came back by and shook the hands of all the officers. I begged Brian to ask for his autograph cuz i couldn't do it. It was too scary. Then he stood right in front of me. again smiling like an idiot, he said Hi, and i asked if he would sign my journal. He said, "Of course, what's your name?" I responded and then almost shouted at him, " I love it when you swear on your show." He looked up at me and smiled a little and said, "I"m not sure that's what i want people to love about me." I kind of giggled and said, "Oh that's just my Favorite part!!" He handed my journal back and i said thank you and he smiled and nodded.

I always swore I'd never be one of those star-struck freaks if ever i met anyone.. That had freak written all over it! Oh wells! I got Glenn Freakin' Becks autograph!!!


Cindy said...

"Like a fat kid on her birthday" WHEEZE!! I heart you!

bonfufu said...

ha ha~ you are so funny! to be so bold and loud all the time, then be star struck!

Lemme said...

i'm glad i was apart of that moment!!!

Rachel said...

Amber, this is highly entertaining! But you described him as so calm....I would have expected him to be a total spaz! How strange and funny. I'm so glad you got to go. I probably would have grabbed him in an impromptu hug and gotten arrested!